Our organisational design service provides a structured, whole system approach to the definition of the intended organisational design, or new operating model.
At Castlerigg we pride ourselves on our systematic approach to any change exercise. Organisational design requires this at the highest level, starting with the organisation’s purpose, its statutory responsibilities and building upon this to define its role in achieving priority outcomes for its locality. To undertake organisational design exercises at Castlerigg we use Construct™, our scalable, organisational design methodology and this is complemented by our capability modelling tool Adapt™, which provides our optimised, organisational capabilities which inform and support organisational transformation and redesign.
Construct™ is a whole system approach which allows us to rapidly and systematically understand the organisational context to inform any review or design exercise at any level; organisation wide, department, service, function or process level. It provides a three stage process which can support organisational design at any stage, from defining an organisational vision and blueprint, design of a new operating model through to implementation and delivery of the new model.